Thursday, June 5, 2014


Lou Holtz - "You aren't going to find anybody that's going to be successful without making a sacrifice and without perseverance."

I'll come right out and say it- lately life's been hard for me.

With the career choice I've made, I've had to give up so much, and I find myself questioning my decision.

Don't get me wrong, I love my job and my career path itself.... but there are friends that I wish I still kept in touch with, people I've had to let go of in order to pursue my dreams, and maybe the worst of all, seeing everyone spend time with each other- having a great time- and I'm not there.

Some days it gets so hard swallowing the idea that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing...


I've come up with some ways to pursue through the tough times, and I want to share in case some one reading this is struggling with the same things.

1) In times like these it's good to have a place to go to pray and think--  Quiet time or "alone time with God" as my dad calls it.  Thinking, or even blogging/keeping a journal, I've found really helps me get my thoughts out.  Especially the negative ones.  Sometimes I think all it takes is writing a negative thought down just to get it out of your head.  Grab a sheet of paper, and before you go to sleep, write down your fears- this one helped me a ton.

2) You've got to be stubborn--  I'm a really stubborn person anyway, so lucky for me, this comes naturally.  But I'm talking about as far as eliminating the apprehensiveness or negativity.  Convince yourself that no matter what you've made the best decision for YOU (no one else).  Justify it any way you can in your head, even if it sounds crazy, and make yourself believe it.

3) Stay positive no matter what--  Having a positive state-of-mind starts you off on the right track.  Your mind begins to think in terms of "How can I overcome?" instead of "What if I can't overcome?"  Never let the idea of failure creep in your mind.  This is the one I struggle with the most... I completely understand that sometimes it can be hard to find the silver lining in a thunderstorm, but the point it to train your mind to try to see the good in everything.  Negativity might point out all the things you're missing out on, but being positive will highlight all the great things you've accomplished.

4) Find some kind of support group--  Most of us are blessed enough to have family that care, but I know there are some who, unfortunately, don't have that luxury.  My advice would be to make friends with people in the same career path as you, and use each other as a buffer to help with the problems that come with the territory.

5) Stay motivated--  This is something I'm fantastic at.  This is the main thing that keeps me going when I wake up every morning.  If what you're pursuing really is your life's passion, then you should wake up determined every morning- ready to hone your craft and ready to embrace the process that comes with honing your craft.  Setting tough but achievable goals.  Reading journals to increase your knowledge.  Reading motivational techniques.  ANYTHING.  When you're motivated to follow your dream, nothing else matters.

6) Put pictures in your mind--  With my goal of being a successful Director of Golf or Touring Professional, I'll sometimes create scenarios in my head and imagine myself in my successful position in the future.  For example, I can't tell you how many times I've imagined myself in a press conference after my first PGA Tour win.  I'll imagine exact questions reporters ask or imagine the sights and sounds of the building.  It sounds crazy and goofy, but I'm a firm believer that if I create vivid images of success in my mind, then it gets me more comfortable with the idea that I could be successful and that my goals are more attainable.  Try it- you'll be amazed and you'll know for sure the career you chose is worth it in the end.

God Bless,


The Trip

Ernest Hemingway - "It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."

Birmingham, Alabama to New Durham, New Hampshire.... here we go...

Big Ray, for those who don't know is my dad, and I left the Ham at around 2:30pm headed North.  It was great to spend some quality time with him since I feel like as I get deeper and deeper in the black hole of college, I slowly drift away from my childhood and the relationships that come with it.

Still in comfortable territory we slowly cross the Alabama borders and enter Tennessee.  Such a beautiful state.  The way the road winds through the mountains keeps you awake cause you don't wanna miss any stunning views.  I've been through Tennessee before, though.  It is very special but definitely not uncharted territory.

Then I met Virginia (see what I did there?).  Nothing exciting comes to mind when first thinking about it, but if I had to pick one word to describe it, I would say FARM.  Virginia has so many farms- but not in an Alabama redneck way.... More so in a elegant (if possible) way.  All perfectly organized, and groomed.  Just strangely cool.  We pulled into a little town outside of Roanoke called Salem to spend the night (by the way, I spent $49.00 on a hotel room and it was the BEST DEAL EVER).

Woke up with our free continental breakfast (told you it was a great deal), and got an early morning start.  We had originally planned to follow the Virginia state line into Maryland, but we basically said yolo and went straight for Washington DC.  Boy, was that a great call.

DC was incredible.  Being a big history buff, I was marveled by all the monuments like the Washington monument, Vietnam memorial, Lincoln memorial, and WWII memorial.  Just so cool to be in such a historic city.  However, something I did not expect to see were the cool neighborhoods surrounding DC.  Little duplexes and apartments in cute neighborhoods.  Like in the TV show House of Cards... seriously did look exactly like it did in the show.  I officially have added DC onto my list of places to live in.

Heading out of DC we soon crossed into Maryland.  Now, for some reason, I've always felt a connection with Maryland.  I like the university (partially because their football uniforms are DIRTY!!); I like the Ravens; I like the Orioles; and I've just always had this profile of Maryland in my head of being a classy state.  And it definitely was.  Clean highways, nice neighborhoods, and unique buildings all solidified my feelings for Maryland.  Baltimore was a great city as well.  We never got to fully explore it, but driving by reminded me of Birmingham (without the pro stadiums).  The first thought is that it used to be either a heavy manufacturing city or an iron/steel city.  So many ghost factories provided a rustic look that's very tough to mimic. BUT.......... Baltimore was my first experience with the northern toll bridges.  $4.00 for a toll seems outrageous, right?  Well, you ain't seen nothin yet...

Passed quickly through Delaware... literally was 10 minutes..... nothing to say but woooo Delaware.... Then the dark cloud of tolls started coming in New Jersey.  Seemed every fifty or so miles there was a toll bridge. $2-3 a pop starts adding up when you're traveling.

Jersey was cool.  Didn't get to see much of her just cause we were driving in the cover of darkness and we pretty much stuck to the Jersey pipeline, which is essentially just a big freeway going through Jersey.

NEW YORK (get your pockets ready).  Aside from the crazy tolls, what an amazing city. Gah. Traffic was exhilarating- cars going 80-90 mph on two-lane roads converted into three-lane roads, and then toss in the added stress of road construction- much comparison to dodge ball at high speeds on wheels, but so much fun! We got into the city at about 10-1030 ET.... so imagine your Christmas tree during the holidays and now imagine the same scenario but with city buildings..... I'm still in awe over the sight.  Unfortunately, we got out about just as fast as we came in, but I can say that New York is now added onto the list of cities I would like to live in.

Connecticut was just another humble New England state.  A mix of resemblance between the farmlands of Virginia and the loneliness of Jersey.  Except now, you are starting to get a taste of the mountainous terrain.
Dad and I pulled into the town of Concord to spend the night and we find a hotel for only $50.... skeptical of course, we open the door to our hotel room and, sure enough, it is incredibly 70s-themed with shag carpet, a twenty-plus year-old tv, and the funniest part was that outside our window (we didn't know at the time) was a rock quarry (we found that out quickly in the morning).........

New Hampshire.  State slogan- "Live Free or Die."  Just by the slogan alone I can tell I'm gonna be a fan.
After taking a photo by the state sign on the highway, the excitement starts to set in.  "I'm FINALLY here," I keep telling myself.  The cities we pass through aren't anything too special, but again, like in Connecticut, you start to develop a sense that you must be in some sort of mountainous terrain by the images in the distance.  Hour and a half later we pull into the town of Wolfeboro.  Wolfeboro's claim to fame is that they are America's oldest resort city, and you can tell they like keeping it original.  Corporate America hasn't touched any part of Wolfeboro.  Nearest WalMart? 45 minutes away.  Closest McDonald's?  30 minutes away.  I'm a big fan of this, though.  So many small businesses everywhere maintains the town's energetic and homey atmosphere.  Driving through Wolfeboro we passed the lake (Winnipesaukee), the golf club I'll be spending the next 2 1/2 months working at (Lake Winnipesaukee Golf Club), and soon arrive at my current summer home.

There are three people I'm living with: 1) Mike 2) Ester and 3) Brian.  Mike's a white guy with a THICK Boston dialect that works for a fuel pump/welding company, and he will talk your ear off if you don't stop him.  Ester is Mike's Cuban girlfriend who is a nurse at a nearby retirement home with a fiery, upbeat personality.  Brian is Mike's high school best friend who has a dialect thicker than Mike's, so you really just nod your head and say "yes" half the time cause your can't understand the guy.  Mike also owns a dog that resembles a mountain lion and a cat the size of a golden retriever (not really but you pick up what I'm putting down!)

Looking forward to this experience and will be updating along the way!!

God Bless,


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A New Peace

Joyce Meyer- "I think the perception of peace is what distracts most people from really having it."

So lately, I've been trying some new things that have helped create some peace in my life....

I have been actively going to a yoga class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6AM, and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.  Physically, my soreness from working out and the stress my back and shoulders take from golf are way more relaxed than they've ever been- not to mention a new found flexibility that positively affects my golf as well.  Mentally, it's a place I can go to completely forget about everything.  I used to judge yoga as a stupid, Buddhist practice that was just a fancy way of stretching... but it's so much more than that.  I plan to start active practicing meditation in my apartment because I know now how much I need some quiet time in my life.  Other than golf and sleeping at nights, I can't think of any other times of the day when I have an opportunity to sit, breathe, and embrace life.

Also.... being a dude with high levels of testosterone... I constantly feel the need to shut my doubters up, and use outlets, especially Twitter, to tell or show people how successful I've been or display my latest accomplishments.  I recently set a goal to do my absolute best to avoid that, and use this blog to publish my successes since not a lot of my friends know this exists.  It's very HARD!!  A basic human want/need is the desire to feel accepted or admired, so we always feel the need to tell people how successful we are- when in reality, it is annoying.  If you REALLY think about it- the people we most respect are those that don't seem to care when they're successful.  That's a person I will set out to be.

God bless,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A New Beginning

Carl Band - "Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and create a brand new ending."

Wake-up call.

Life's lead me into different directions these past months.  I love Mississippi State, but I feel a lot of the people here and in my program don't have the same values as I do.  With that, it's almost lead me to become a separate person than I started out to be.  Now I'm not talking about becoming a druggy, womanizer, or anything like that.  The things I'm referring to simply aren't that big of a deal to some people, but it is huge to me.

So I turned 21 in August.  Yeah, and as you're assuming rightfully, I started drinking.  It was and has been a lot of fun, and I think it is an okay thing to do in a controlled manner; I've had a lot of great times going out, getting drunk with friends, but there's my conscience that always tells me the next morning: "Listen, this isn't who you are."

I don't have too much choice in who I spend my time around.  The kids in my program are really all I see and because of that all I really know outside of school.  They are funny and great kids, but man, there is so much negativity, trash-talk, and cussing going around.  I can feel all of it just bringing me down, and even starting to respond to others in that way as well.

The worst night of my life started Saturday night.  I was headed home from Tuscaloosa after a night of drinking followed by a morning of playing golf and my stomach just didn't feel right.  Try to lay down in my bed to make the pain go away once I'm back, but slowly it becomes apparent I'm going to end up throwing-up soon.  My prediction was unfortunately correct.  I'll spare the details, but I end up loosing thirteen pounds in just under nine hours due to food poisoning. Just horrible.

In that moment of my lowest of lows, it hit me how far off the intended path I strayed.  Looking back on where I was my senior year of high school, I would hate the person I am right now.  I say I represent God and am a follower of Christ, but what good am I doing?  What- I'm a Christian during the week, but I take time off during the weekends?  What kind of crap is that?

So as I'm leaning over the toilet late Saturday night grabbing my stomach, wishing this awful night would stop, it hits me.  I'm getting rid of all the bad stuff inside my body and starting over, so why not do the same with my bad habits?

Now that the sickness has surpassed and school is slowly ending, I have now set my mind on the end goal of improving my weaknesses into the person I would be proud to be.  It will be a tough road, but nothing I'm sure I can't handle with a little faith.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Anthony J. D'Angelo - "The most important things in life aren't things."

Life is a blessing.

Mississippi State has been the best choice I have ever made in my life.  By far.  I just feel so blessed to be in the situation that I am in here.  PGM program, good room mates, great friends, great times, a caring university with caring advisors, beautiful campus......... Just feels incredible.  I was filled with so much doubt and question first moving onto campus.  Praying about it did nothing for me (I thought), and I was incredibly nervous about my decision.

I have started going out on the weekends for the first time in a while it seems like.  There's a little place tucked in the cotton district called 'Ptolemy's' where all the PGMs go hang.  Meeting new people is an exciting thing for me.  In the past, I have just been so nervous and too afraid to be myself around new people.  I was just locked in a box, and I wanted to let myself out so bad.  Now, I have completely become the Garrett Powell that I want to be around people.  My head no longer gets in the way, and I feel so at peace about it....... this is the thing that has stopped me for years- a constant road block that remained ahead of me no matter which road I took.  I am incredibly happy and feel so accomplished by over-coming it.

Golf is going well.  Just passed our 'Player Ability Test' yesterday by sinking a thirty-footer from out of the rough.  I was incredibly exstatic.  Today, however, it's not a big deal to me anymore, but this is a good thing.  I love golf and love to compete, but I feel like I have matured enough now to where I realize my athletic performance doesn't need to dictate how good my life is.  And I think that recent accomplishment tops them all.  For a majority of my life I have left an athletic event either ruined or overjoyed after a performance.  Sports ruled my life, and it caused me to live a shallow life.  Although I am sure this is getting down-played in most peoples' heads, this is such a big deal to me.  I feel liberated.

Let my changes and my passion inspire anybody who reads this- it's never too late to become the person you want to be.  Stay devoted and you can do anything.

Autumn is almost here in full season, and I am in love with it.  Just the cool weather, colors of the fallen leaves, the holidays coming up.... It's what I look forward to every year.

Life is good.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Final Decision

David Russell - "The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn."

I will be going to Mississippi State University this fall...

I got accepted to the Professional Golf Management (PGM) program at MSU recently so my decision is to pursue that major with my life.  I has been a ROUGH road leading me to this decision.  I love Auburn with all my heart, and there are certain people there who I also love with all my heart, but MSU presents me with the best opportunity for my future.

So why MSU and this PGM program?
     1.) Upon graduation I'll graduate with a degree in BOTH PGM and business administration, so this gives me options.
     2.) There is 100% job placement after graduation, and in this economy, I need all the help I can get.
     3.) There are 24 different types of jobs available for a PGM major in a field that I have a passion for, and countless options for the business administration major.
     4.) I realized that I suck at saving money...... So I'm gonna have to have a well-paying job to support my family the way I want to, and someone who graduates with a PGM major averages around $90,000 a year.
     5.) I think it's no secret that golf is my passion.
     6.) I will have a total of 5 semesters in the next 3 years interning at golf courses all over the nation, so it is a chance for me to spread my wings and explore other areas of the US.

It saddens me every day knowing I will never be a student at Auburn University, but I believe this is God finally pointing me in a direction that's best for me.  The final decision hit me about two months ago on the way to my friend's house... and I fully believe that that moment was one of the changing points in my life.
My dad always says how he regrets his college experience.... how he spent too much time partying and not enough time studying- yeah..... but the main thing he says is how he regrets not touching other people with his life.  I plan on using this experience to represent my strength and my faith as strongly as possible, and maybe if I try hard enough, I can touch other peoples' lives.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

This Too Shall Pass

Skillet - "Today, I'm gonna try a little harder,
                Gonna make every minute last longer,
                Gotta learn to forgive and forget
                'Cause we don't have long, gotta make the most of it."

Life has been pretty amazing lately, but today it was constantly bearing down on me.  Stress with school, stress with golf, stress with relationships, and now a boat load of worry about certain people...

My golf game has gone to the crapper.... I have just been getting SO consumed with being perfect that I've lost almost all love for the game I used to be obessed with.  IT'S JUST GOLF FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.  There's no reason to be getting so upset at myself.... life could be a hell of a lot worse, and I'm complaining about not performing well in a SPORT.  I've never felt so selfish before in my life.

Recently found out that someone I really care about (no names or hints, sorry) has veered down the wrong path.  She's convinced drinking is going to solve all of her stress and issues in life, and I'm worried for her.  She's a good person deep down, but it's apparent her 'friends' have influenced her into developing a lifestyle that just isn't healthy.  Although, we've had our problems in the past; I just can't sit on the sidelines while I watch her ruin the great things in her life (relationships with her true friends, family relationship, or even hurt herself).  I've probably prayed more in the past 6 hours than I have in the past week.  Hope someone or something gives her the strength to get through this road block.  If someone reading this could say a prayer for her, that would be great.

>>>Music will always be a way for me to channel my emotions.  Here's a song that's been getting me through today; I hope it does wonders for you like it has for me.

"One Day Too Late" ~Skillet