Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A New Peace

Joyce Meyer- "I think the perception of peace is what distracts most people from really having it."

So lately, I've been trying some new things that have helped create some peace in my life....

I have been actively going to a yoga class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6AM, and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.  Physically, my soreness from working out and the stress my back and shoulders take from golf are way more relaxed than they've ever been- not to mention a new found flexibility that positively affects my golf as well.  Mentally, it's a place I can go to completely forget about everything.  I used to judge yoga as a stupid, Buddhist practice that was just a fancy way of stretching... but it's so much more than that.  I plan to start active practicing meditation in my apartment because I know now how much I need some quiet time in my life.  Other than golf and sleeping at nights, I can't think of any other times of the day when I have an opportunity to sit, breathe, and embrace life.

Also.... being a dude with high levels of testosterone... I constantly feel the need to shut my doubters up, and use outlets, especially Twitter, to tell or show people how successful I've been or display my latest accomplishments.  I recently set a goal to do my absolute best to avoid that, and use this blog to publish my successes since not a lot of my friends know this exists.  It's very HARD!!  A basic human want/need is the desire to feel accepted or admired, so we always feel the need to tell people how successful we are- when in reality, it is annoying.  If you REALLY think about it- the people we most respect are those that don't seem to care when they're successful.  That's a person I will set out to be.

God bless,

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