Monday, October 31, 2011


George Eliot - "Delicious autumn!  My soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird, I would fly about the earth seeking successive autumns."

I love this time of the year..

Tonight was Halloween.  YESSSSSSSS!  I had so many ideas on what to dress up as, but I ended up going with the retro basketball player look (high tops, high tube socks, SHORT shorts, jersey, afro, head and wrist bands)........ I do not regret it.

Now that October is over with, I turn my focus to what November brings. 
1)  I am one of the biggest nerds anyone will ever meet..... so this explains why I'm PUMPED about the new Call of Duty coming out on the 8th!  This is a big deal because I went to the midnight releasing of the game last year at South, and there were almost 400 people in line.... like half of them were dressed in Army uniforms haha it was amazing.  So guess what?  Homeboy's going again this year!
2)  Again I'll admit I am one of the biggest nerds anyone will ever meet..... aka why I'm dressing up as Edward Cullen when I go see the Breaking Dawn premier on the 18th! 

One last note.... autumn is my. favorite. season.  I LOVE it.  There is nothing more peaceful or beautiful than driving on a overcast, cold, and windy autumn day with the orange, yellow, and red trees off in the distance.  Nature is God's canvas, and there is nothing that complements God's creation like autumn.  I hope I have many years left to experience its beauty.



Sunday, October 16, 2011

Acts of Indecision

Simone de Beauvoir - "Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay."

The past few months have been pprrrreeettttyyyyy confusing for me..

Soooo the thing with me and the Hoover girl (last post) had been going off and on for a while.  I found that some weekends she'd appear tired of me, and other weekends I'd seem tired of I just haven't been sure on what to do.  It's apparent we've both thought about dating, but that might not be in the best view for us.  I start talking to her for a little bit and my feelings start swaying in a different direction..

I obviously still have feelings for the Hoover girl, but I can see myself in a better situation talking with the other girl... and of course there's always been something deep down that's liked this girl as well.  So we started talking for a little while, and it was great for a couple of days... but I still don't know.  I'm not a believer that God will point out who he wants you to date or talk to, but that He will provide you the opportunity or situation.  So right now, it's on me and I need to decide who I want to pursue....


The other indecision in my life is this golf thing.  Yeah, I was thinking about the possibility of enrolling at Mississippi State University to basically major in golf, it would be coool, but I don't think that's what I want to do...

I love golf obviously... but some days I just get so tired of it.  I want it to always be something I can escape to in a rough tim in my life.  I just don't want to invest in a career in something I love, only to get sick of doing it down the road.

And then there's Auburn...

Ever since I was little I've ALWAYS wanted to go to Auburn.  I love the campus, how classy the students are (in comparison to Bama especially), all of my friends go there, AU athletics.... I just love Auburn.  I've prayed about it before, and I'm still not sure what to do.  My career choice might be at Mississippi State, but my happiness points towards going to Auburn.

I of course don't have to make any decision soon, but time is running out...