Saturday, May 28, 2011

Another Bump in the Road

Psalm 9: 9-10 - "The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble."

This past week has been on of the worst, physically, in my entire life..

As I mentioned in my last post, I went to the YMCA Camp Hargis for my job training as a councellor. Well, as fate would have it, while we spent the night, bed bugs (yes, they are real) came out and bit me...BAD.

Last Saturday, I was on my way back from Doodles when I noticed a couple of little, red bumps starting to form on the inside of my bicep...and they started to itch. Later that night, I was spending the night at a friend's house when my lower back, arms, legs, feet, hands, and neck started itching. I tried to sit in his hot tub....didn't help. I tried to swim in his pool....didn't help. I tried to sleep it off and deal with it the next morning....couldn't do it. I FELT LIKE I WAS GOING INSANE. Since we had no car at his house, I called my parents to get one of them to pick me up...I could not bear the itching and bites that continued to mess with my mind. I grabbed my shoes and went running to get some wind on the bites so I would stop scratching, but even that wasn't enough. As soon as my mom arrived at my friend's place, I hopped in the car and headed home. It was six in the morning.

I got home and immediately hopped in a bath tub filled with hot water and oat meal oil (to help the itching). I stayed in the bath for probably another two hours. At the time, not me, nor Mom, nor Dad knew what was going on with me....they assumed poison ivy, but were both confused at the formation of the red marks and hives that appeared on my skin. The options of poison ivy, misquitos, bed bugs, rocky mountain fever (from ticks), were all possibilities, but we could not start treatment until we knew for sure what it was. I spend the rest of the day lying STILL in bed or in an oatmeal bath.

The next day, we find out that I am having a severe allergic reaction to bed bug bites. My parents contact our doctor, and he prescribes me a steroid to help get rid of the itch and the bites altogether. That night though, I layed in bed and thought about everything......I even later started tearing up. None of this was from the painful allergic reactions or the meds, but simply because I realized that I have done a crappy job of living my life for God...and it was obvious the things I needed to change. I am now working on them all.

Everything has gotten better. the itching is now almost completely gone, and the bite marks are on their way out as well.

Lord, thank You for helping me through yet another one of life's speed bumps. I believe it will help me to be more cautious and aware of  my situations in the future. Also, I thank You for my deep thoughts that I had that second night. I have realized that I have not been living my life according to Your way, and as a result, I have not felt happy or satisfied knowing I have not been glorifying You. I will do my very best to improve, but I will need Your guidance along the way.

"And I'll praise You in this storm,
And I will lift my hands.
For You are who You are
No matter where I am,
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand.
You never left my side,
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm." ~Casting Crowns

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Proverbs 22:6 - "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it."


So a couple of weeks ago, I got a call in form the Shades Valley YMCA telling me the got my job application form to be a camp councellor this summer. Turns out ole Pam and Ray turned in my application (GREAT move).

The interview went really well, and it turns out both my brother and I got the job! On the 14th and 15th we had job training at Camp Harliss (?)......we were NOT excited about this at all. We got at the YMCA at 7:30am like we were asked, and from judging some people walking in the door (a problem we all tend to have) it did not appear as if this job was going to be any fun....I was DEAD WRONG. We got on the bus and immediately greeted by now one of my good friends, Shannon. She was obviously an athlete somewhere, and because of her greeting, it immediately lifted some of the bad anticipation about work off my shoulders. The weekend camp ended up being a great experience; we met a ton of new people and found out slowly that this job was going to be one to remember. Oh and by the way......we also got paid $200 for being there....not bad haha.

We had Sunday night off, then it would be back to job training on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 8:45am to 1pm. Sounds awful right? Wrong. My first day I realize how special this The rest of "job training" was a breeze, and work starts on the 31st......frankly, I CAN'T wait.

Lord, thank you for blessing me with this opportunity. I believed you have provided me this job for a reason, so I can do my best to have fun and spread Your word.