Thursday, January 26, 2012

This Too Shall Pass

Skillet - "Today, I'm gonna try a little harder,
                Gonna make every minute last longer,
                Gotta learn to forgive and forget
                'Cause we don't have long, gotta make the most of it."

Life has been pretty amazing lately, but today it was constantly bearing down on me.  Stress with school, stress with golf, stress with relationships, and now a boat load of worry about certain people...

My golf game has gone to the crapper.... I have just been getting SO consumed with being perfect that I've lost almost all love for the game I used to be obessed with.  IT'S JUST GOLF FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.  There's no reason to be getting so upset at myself.... life could be a hell of a lot worse, and I'm complaining about not performing well in a SPORT.  I've never felt so selfish before in my life.

Recently found out that someone I really care about (no names or hints, sorry) has veered down the wrong path.  She's convinced drinking is going to solve all of her stress and issues in life, and I'm worried for her.  She's a good person deep down, but it's apparent her 'friends' have influenced her into developing a lifestyle that just isn't healthy.  Although, we've had our problems in the past; I just can't sit on the sidelines while I watch her ruin the great things in her life (relationships with her true friends, family relationship, or even hurt herself).  I've probably prayed more in the past 6 hours than I have in the past week.  Hope someone or something gives her the strength to get through this road block.  If someone reading this could say a prayer for her, that would be great.

>>>Music will always be a way for me to channel my emotions.  Here's a song that's been getting me through today; I hope it does wonders for you like it has for me.

"One Day Too Late" ~Skillet


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